Preferred Edge Knives
Preferred Edge Knives address

Welcome to Preferred Edge
Knife Making Courses
Our Knives
pfeil chisels
Using Our Knives
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Carving by Richard Baker Sr.
Carving by
Richard Baker Sr.

How to Order & Contact Us

We manufacture a wide variety of wood carving knives and chisels for the wood carving artist.

All prices are in Canadian dollars and does not including shipping.
We accept cash, cheques, VISA, MasterCard and American Express.

VISA, MasterCard and American Express

Please read our Disclaimer

Please phone or e-mail for custom orders or for more information.

Place orders by phone:

Toll Free  888-811-5551
By email   ';dd.write(unescape(enca))

Bruce Bernard
Preferred Edge Carving Knives
PO Box 1706
Camrose, Alberta
T4V 1X6

A Peter Walter Smith - Giq-Kalas creation using Preferred Edge knives.

"Every wood carving artist needs the tools to turn their ideas into reality. You provide the ideas, we provide the wood carving knives and tools to do the job. We manufacture a wide variety of wood carving knives and tools. Custom orders are welcomed. One year guarantee."

Bruce Bernard